
What we do

What we do

Ensuring Afropeans reach their full potentials in Europe and in Africa

Stichting Afropeans seeks to increase the integration, visibility, participation and representation of Afropeans in the public domain. We empower and celebrate the Afropean culture.

We Honour

We honour and celebrate Afropeans living and working in The Netherlands in particular and in Europe in general.

We Build

We build a cultural, educational, economic bridge between the Africa and Europe. We give Afropeans a platform to socialise and to network.

We Showcase

We showcase the diversity of the Afropeans living in Europe and provide positive role models for the next generation.

We Raise

We raise and increase awareness among the people of the Netherlands, Europe and Africa of Afropean culture and social issues.

We Facilitate

We utilise the knowledge base and expertise of Afropeans in the development of and facilitation of self-help projects both in Europe and in Africa.

We Strengthen

We contribute to structural self-reliance project of both Afropean people in Europe and people in Africa.

Board of Directors

Jessica Effah (Board member)
My name is Jessica Effah. I am a social worker and teacher. I am also an Afropean living in Holland’s capital city! Being an Afropean is amazing, but we also face some difficulties. I would love for other Afropeans to have more recognition, but also places to find support battling these difficulties.
With this foundation I am sure we are able to unite and support each other, making the Afropean experience better but also show what we got! Different generations have different questions, needs, wishes and dreams. My passion is working socially, with families and children. An example is explaining and guiding Afropean parents through the Dutch school system, which can be confusing at times. But also sharing the love for our cultures through representation in classes.
I am happy it’s finally here and I can be part of this journey. Africans born and living in Europe to collaborate and identify themselves through projects, themes, cultures, stories and experiences. Afropeans will create or sustain strong ties between Africans with the motherland and the country they are living in.
Aside from sharing cultures as Africans in Europe collectively, empowerment and unity are part of the philosophies of Afropeans. I believe we can achieve this vision by fusing our different expertise and cultural backgrounds for the realization of the Afropeans concept.
Chidi Nwosu (Treasurer)
Max Koffi (Board member)
My name is Bianca from Rotterdam. Lived in Africa (Angola) for many years and have always been looking for an opportunity to build a bridge between Europe and Africa.
I hope I can be of any help and inspiration for those who need it.
Bianca de Lang (Secretary)
Femi Soewu (Chairperson)
The urgency to define and celebrate our identity & uniqueness came from a friend who lives in Poland. He told me that as an African living in Poland/Europe his friends usually refer to him in conversations as African-American even though every one knows he carries a European passport.
We are proud Africans and we are Europeans too. It is time to celebrate and be proud of what we bring to the table. We are the bridge that connects 2 continents and cultures.
We are The Afropeans!
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